vendredi 31 août 2012
jeudi 30 août 2012
mercredi 29 août 2012
Orthodontics - Basic Aspects and Clinical Considerations
The book reflects the ideas of nineteen academic and research experts from different countries. The different sections of this book deal with epidemiological and preventive concepts, a demystification of cranio-mandibular dysfunction, clinical considerations and risk assessment of orthodontic treatment. It provides an overview of the state-of-the-art, outlines the experts' knowledge and their efforts to provide readers with quality content explaining new directions and emerging trends in Orthodontics. The book should be of great value to both orthodontic practitioners and to students in orthodontics, who will find learning resources in connection with their fields of study. This will help them acquire valid knowledge and excellent clinical skills.
dimanche 26 août 2012
Les tumeurs maxillo-faciales : Imagerie - Anatomopathologie
Descriptions du produit
Présentation de l'éditeur
Nous avons souhaité illustrer autant que possible la
diversité des processus tumoraux touchant les structures osseuses du massif
facial. A partir de dossiers tous issus de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, nous avons
voulu présenter de façon parallèle et systématique les deux reflets,
radiologiques et histologiques, de chaque tumeur : clichés standard, TDM et IRM
d'une part, cytoarchitecture, analyse cellulaire, immunohistochimie... d'autre
part, chaque image appartenant au dossier d'origine. Cette étude multidisciplinaire
jointe à une recherche bibliographique approfondie nous a souvent entraînées
beaucoup plus loin que prévu, sans vouloir cependant (ni pouvoir...) être
exhaustives tant est aujourd'hui complexe et diversifiée cette pathologie,
complexité et évolutivité qui font encore aujourd'hui tout son intérêt. Nous
espérons ainsi présenter ici un panorama suffisamment vaste et diversifié de
ces lésions tout en restant concises et schématiques pour que l'étudiant, le
radiologue, l'anatomopathologiste ou le clinicien aussi bien novice
qu'expérimenté puisse trouver la corrélation et la synthèse qu'il peut
vendredi 24 août 2012
Identification des patients à risques en implantologie orale
jeudi 23 août 2012
La Reconstitution corono-radiculaire préprothétique des dents dépulpées
Auteur: Bolla
Année d'édition: 1999
Nombre de pages: 104
Description: La reconstitution d'une dent dévitalisée reste un acte courant de la dentisterie quotidienne. La meilleure technique de reconstitution corono-radiculaire fait-elle appel à un matériau coulé ou inséré à l'état plastique et foulé? Faut-il choisir en fonction du délabrement de la dent ou de sa position sur l'arcade? Avec quels types de matériaux? De tenons? Celui-ci est-il vraiment indispensable? Après avoir envisagé certains aspects de la dent dépulpée, les auteurs présenteront les deux types de reconstruction possibles: par pièce métallique coulée ou par matériau plastique.
Année d'édition: 1999
Nombre de pages: 104
mercredi 22 août 2012
lundi 20 août 2012
samedi 18 août 2012
L'essentiel de la médecine générale pour le chirurgien dentiste
Cet ouvrage synthétique se consacre à la médecine générale à l'usage des chirurgiens-dentistes. Il propose aux praticiens une vision globale des principales pathologies dont peuvent souffrir leurs patients et fourni les éléments nécessaires pour une prise en charge. En vingt-trois chapitres, ce livre couvre l'ensemble des appareils (cardiovasculaire, digestif, respiratoire, urinaire, système nerveux central et périphérique), les états physiologiques particuliers comme la grossesse et le grand âge, les circonstances cliniques particulières comme les patients transplantés ou ceux traités pour une tumeur maligne. Pour chaque pathologie, des encadrés présentent la pertinence à la pratique dentaire Les derniers chapitres abordent les urgences au cabinet dentaire et leurs prises en charge. Cet ouvrage en format poche est un concentré d'informations qui ne peuvent qu'inciter les praticiens chirurgiens-dentistes à approfondir leurs connaissances médicales dans leur intérêt et celui de leurs patients.
mardi 14 août 2012
Guide pratique de rédaction scientifique
Information pratique de rédaction scientifique
EDP SCIENCES | 2007 | ISBN 28668839046 | PDF | 196 Pages | one,seven MB
EDP SCIENCES | 2007 | ISBN 28668839046 | PDF | 196 Pages | one,seven MB
Ce livre a été écrit à la demande des nombreux scientifiques qui ont participé aux séminaires d’écriture scientifique que je tiens régulièrement dans divers coins du monde. Dans leurs fiches d’évaluation, les participants en ont souligné les bénéfices, directs et indirects, attendus et inattendus. Naturellement, ceux qui avaient déjà publié plusieurs articles découvrirent les erreurs d’écriture qu’ils faisaient régulièrement sans le savoir, faute d’avoir des principes d’écriture prenant en compte le lecteur. Naturellement, les jeunes chercheurs et ingénieurs dont le premier report était encore un rêve, trouvèrent dans le cours suffisamment pour ne marche avoir plus tard à tâtonner ou à tenter d’imiter la framework et le design d’autres content articles sans vraiment savoir si ce qu’ils imiteront est bon ou mauvais. Mais l’inattendu vint des chercheurs chevronnés, chefs de labo, directeurs de département, qui trouvèrent dans le séminaire une méthode pratique leur permettant non seulement d’évaluer as well as facilement les posts de leurs chercheurs auparavant publication, mais aussi de ten Guide PRATIQUE DE RÉDACTION SCIENTIFIQUE « démonter » l’écriture problématique pour en identifier les triggers, et préconiser des remèdes efficaces. Tous comprirent qu’écrire est une expérience scientifique conduite sur un lecteur. Ils comprirent qu’une expérience d’écriture réussie est celle où le lecteur est l’objet de toutes les attentions de l’auteur.
lundi 13 août 2012
samedi 11 août 2012
jeudi 9 août 2012
Dental Implant Complications Etiology, Prevention and Treatment
Publication Date: July 6, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0813808413 | ISBN-13: 978-0813808413 | Edition: 1
Dental implants have become one of the most popular and rapidly growing techniques for replacing missing teeth. While their predictability, functionality, and durability make them an attractive option for patients and clinicians alike, complications can arise at any stage from patient assessment to maintenance therapy. Dental Implant Complications: Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment is the first comprehensive reference of its kind designed to provide clinicians of all skill levels with practical instruction grounded in evidence-based research. Featuring cases from a variety of dental specialties, the book covers the most commonly occurring implant complications as well as the unique.Dental Implant Complications is organized sequentially, guiding the reader through complications associated with the diagnosis, treatment planning, placement, restoration, and maintenance of implants at any stage. Complications associated with various bone augmentation and sinus lift procedures are also discussed in detail with emphasis on their etiology and prevention. Each chapter utilizes a highly illustrated and user-friendly format to showcase key pedagogical features, including a list of “take home tips” summarizing the fundamental points of each chapter. Continuing education for this book is provided at
Dental Implant Complications brings together contributions from leading experts in the field under the superior editorship of Dr. Stuart Froum. With its pragmatic approach to preventing and managing implant complications, this expertly crafted text serves as an indispensible clinical reference and guide for all dentists placing or restoring implants.
Orthodontic Pearls: A Selection of Practical Tips and Clinical Expertise
Orthodontic Pearls is an attempt to fill gaps in a specialist orthodontist's education. It is about know-how rather than knowledge; the first half of the book covers practice administration, patient management and marketing, and the remainder is a selection of clinical tips gleaned from various contributors.
The opening chapter suggests guidelines in practice and operatory design and makes several sensible points, as well as emphasising the importance of good staff attitude. The following three chapters deal quite comprehensively with the approach to managing and recording a new patient, including impression taking and clinical photography.
Chapter 5 stresses the absolute importance of case discussion, which is often overlooked, but vital in today's climate of informed consent. This is a most welcome section of the book, and covers record keeping and communication.
The next chapter goes on to set out the personal views of Winston Senior on marketing a private practice, and repeats some points previously mentioned. It ends with a section on patient compliance — so essential in orthodontics — and discusses the inter-relationships between child, parent, and operator. As suggested in Chapter 5, time spent in explanation and building rapport is invaluable.
The remainder of the book presents a series of clinical tips on fixed appliances, beginning with detailed advice on setting up a fixed appliance, from bonding, through bracketing to arch wire placement. There are some valuable 'pearls' here, especially the use of autoclave type in band cementation, and prevention of wire end trauma.
The perennial problem of distal movement of upper molars is considered, and three chapters focus on finishing and retention — which complete the clinical section. There is an extensive appendix of specimen pro forma letters and forms covering almost every eventuality encountered in practice.
This book is well produced, with clear print and diagrams. The text is liberally sprinkled with headings and highlighted pearls of wisdom. It is good to see a page devoted to oral hygiene, although the authors are over-confident about the average patient's ability to clean well. The use of jigs and headgear are explained in detail, and safety in headgear use emphasised. Chapter 10, on auxiliary springs used in the Begg appliance, should be deleted altogether.
Overall, there are some useful tips throughout the book, but the layout would benefit from less repetition, and keeping topics together under major headings.
For download :
Manual of Minor Oral Surgery for the General Dentist
The Manual of Minor Oral Surgery for the General Dentist provides a clear and thorough practical guide to performing the common surgical procedures encountered in dental offices on a day-to-day basis. Building on a sound basis of the proper protocols and appropriate standards of care, the book approaches each procedure through detailed, step-by-step description and illustration. Richly illustrated with clinical photography, the Manual of Minor Oral Surgery offers dentists an indispensable tool to carry out their everyday work, as well as providing information on more advanced procedures for those experienced dentists wishing to develop professionally.
For download :
Atlas of Minor Oral Surgery: Principles and Practice
Atlas of Minor Oral Surgery: Principles and Practice
The Atlas of Minor Oral Surgery is a striking, highly illustrated reference book that is tailor-made for the general dentist who wants to expand the services offered in the dental office. This book is a definitive resource on both clinical and patient management aspects of outpatient minor oral surgery as the dentist can learn how to perform oral and surgical techniques that he or she previously referred to the oral surgeon.
lundi 6 août 2012
HandBook of Local Anesthesia
Offering comprehensive coverage of a wide range of topics, this practical "how to" manual explores and teaches methods that enhance good local anesthesia practices, while alerting readers to specific hazards and errors in technique that may result in complications. Basic concepts for the safe and effective practice of local anesthesia in dentistry today are emphasized, along with the most current advances in science, technology, and pain control techniques.
- Basic concepts for the safe and effective practice of local anesthesia in dentistry are emphasized.
- Recent advances in science, technology, and pain control techniques are presented.
- Clear instructions for administering local anesthetics are accompanied by high-quality photographs and drawings to enhance the reader's understanding.
- Numerous boxes and tables are presented throughout to provide a quick reference and comparison of techniques, drugs, and dosages.
- In-depth discussions are provided on the anesthetic agents used in dentistry, along with their clinical actions.
- Dosage charts, injection techniques, information on duration of action, and contraindications for local anesthetics are included at the end of the book for quick reference.
- Step-by-step procedures and instructions for administering local anesthetics are provided.
- The proper care and handling of equipment are thoroughly covered, along with the problems that may be encountered.
- Information is provided on the requirements for pain control and local anesthesia within various dental specialties that require particular attention.
- Coverage includes electronic dental anesthesia and ultrasonics, as alternatives to the injection of drugs.
- A chapter on Legal Considerations mentions foreseeable complications related to the administration of local anesthetics and discusses the standard of care with regard to appropriate prevention and treatment.
- An all-new, full-color design includes vibrant illustrations and drawings.
- Comprehensive information is provided on Articaine, a highly debated local anesthetic recently approved by the FDA, that is gaining widespread use in the United States.
- Discussions of the armamentarium needed to succeed in local anesthesia delivery have been updated to reflect the latest available drugs and devices.
- Updated instructions for administering the various techniques of intraoral anesthesia are presented in consistent, step-by-step procedures.
- The New 2003 CDC Hand Hygiene Guidelines are provided to keep readers up to date on the latest standards of practice.
Fundamentals of Esthetic Implant Dentistry, 2nd Edition
Esthetic dentistry and implant dentistry continue to grow in patient demand and professional popularity. More now than ever, clinicians are faced with the need to combine form with function, art with science. The considerable scientific and technical leaps that have been made in this field mean that this goal is now more achievable, andFundamentals of Esthetic Implant Dentistry seeks to share these advances with practitioners and students alike.
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